Folkesundhed som politik. Danmark og Sverige fra 1930 til i dag
(Public health as policy. Denmark and Sweden from 1930 to the present)

Public health as policy. Denmark and Sweden from 1930 to the present by Signild Vallgårda, Copenhagen University, was published in November 2003.

299 p., DKK 248.00.

Order at Aarhus University Press: or +45 8942 5370.

The subject of the book is public health policy in Denmark and Sweden in the 20th century. It is about public health and the exercise of power, two phenomena with different connotations: the former positive, the latter negative. The purpose of public health policy, prevention and health promotion is to improve the health of the population. In the name of care, authorities try to influence citizens to health promoting behavior, often in areas considered to be part of people’s private lives. They try to conduct their conduct.

Health checks, information campaigns and measures to prevent contagious diseases such as tuberculosis and AIDS are examples of the governing measures of the authorities. The book analyzes the arguments for these measures. It is shown that authorities in Denmark, contrary to the common impression, are as inclined to intervene in the behavior of the citizens as are the Swedish. In both countries the political ambitions to govern the citizens’ lives in the area of public health have increased during the 20th century: it is both extended and intensified.  



