Den vellykkede kommunalreform og decentraliseringen af den politiske magt i Danmark
(The Successful Local Government Reform)

Den vellykkede kommunalreform og decentraliseringen af den politiske magt i Danmark by Thomas Pallesen, Aarhus University was published in December 2003.

150 p., DKK 148.00.

Order at Aarhus University Press: or +45 8942 5370.

In 1970, Danish subnational governance was substantially reformed. The local governments were consolidated and their responsibility and autonomy increased. The outcome of the reform is assessed in the book. The major question whether the consolidation and increased autonomy of the local governments also increased policy variation at the local level is to some extent confirmed. The major finding is that the pattern of local policy variation suggests that the overall responsiveness of the Danish public sector has been increased. In this way, the local government reform has been a success.



