Grønlændere i Danmark. En overset minoritet
(Greenlanders in Denmark. A forgotten minority)

Greenlanders in Denmark. A forgotten minoriy by Lise Togeby was published in April 2002.

Aarhus University Press
187 pages
DKK 198.00
To order, contact a bookshop or or + 45 89 42 53 70

Despite a growing interest in ethnic minorities’ economic, social and political conditions in Denmark, we know very little about Greenlanders living in Denmark. The obvious explanation is that Greenlanders are Danish citizens and therefore are not registered according to ethnicity. The book examines whether the Greenlanders’ formal citizenship also manifests itself in actual citizenship in Danish society.

Greenlanders cannot be defined under one, clear-cut category. Many Greenlanders are integrated in Danish society; they are married, have children and good jobs. Others are having a difficult time and are economically and socially marginalized. Many experience a type of dual identity and see themselves as both Inuit and Danes. Most Greenlanders say that they like living in Denmark, but a small group expresses the opposite and complains of discrimination. The ”typical Greenlander in Denmark” does not exist.

