Den demokratiske udfordring
(The democratic challenge)

Edited by Jørgen Goul Andersen, Peter Munk Christiansen, Torben Beck Jørgensen, Lise Togeby og Signild Vallgårda. Published in June 1999.

Hans Reitzels Forlag
284 pages
DKK 225.00
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Den demokratiske udfordring, the first publication from the Democracy and Power Study, was published in connection with the 150th anniversary of the Danish Constitution, June 5, 1999. The idea was to write a topical book that takes democratic problems seriously by confronting different sides of the democratic and political reality in Denmark with our democratic and political ideals. Is our democracy working as well as we want it to? The book is about the political life as it unfolds within the framework of the Danish Constitution, i.e., about citizens and authorities and their interaction. BAMSE.WMF (4570 bytes)

Contributions to the book

Den demokratiske udfordring (The democratic challenge)

Jørn Loftager: Fungerer den politiske offentlighed? (Does the political public sphere work?)

Stig Hjarvad: Politik som mediemontage. Om mediernes forandring af den politiske kommunikation (Politics as media montage. How the news media has changed the political communication)

Jørgen Goul Andersen: Folket og eliterne. Om meningsdannelse på masse- og eliteniveau (The people and the elites. About opinion formation at the mass and elite levels)

Peter Gundelach og Lars Torpe: Befolkningens fornemmelser for demokrati: Foreninger, politisk engagement og demokratisk kultur (The people’s sense of democracy: clubs, political participation and democratic culture)

Henrik Bang og Eva Sørensen: Hverdagsmagerne - en udfordring til demokratiet og til samfundsforskningen (The Everyday Maker- a challenge to democracy and to social research)

Anette Borchorst: Den kønnede virkelighed - den kønsløse debat (The gendered reality - the non-gendered debate)

Lise Togeby: Et demokrati, som omfatter alle, der bor i Danmark? (A democracy that includes everybody who lives in Denmark?)

Ellen Margrethe Basse: Miljøet og grundloven (The environment and the constitution)

Jørgen Albæk Jensen: Er der behov for styrkelse af de borgerlie og politiske frihedsrettigheder? (Do the civic and political rights need to be strengthened?)

Jørgen Grønnegård Christensen: Det tidløse ministerstyre (The timeless minister rule)

Torben Beck Jørgensen: Den offentlige sektor: Tro tjener med mange herrer (The public sector: Faithful servant with many masters)

Erik Albæk: Ekspertvælde? (Expert rule?)

Peter Munk Christiansen: Det fælles bedste? Interesseorganisationer, folkestyre og korporatisme (The common good? Interest organizations, democracy and corporatism)

Carsten Greve: Demokratiske udfordringer i den grå zone mellem offentligt og privat (Democratic challenges in the grey area between public and private)

Lykke Friis: EU og demokrati - den dobbelte nødvendighed (EU and democracy - the double necessity)
