Vold på dagsordenen. Medierne og den politiske proces
(Violence on the agenda. The media and the political process)

Violence on the agenda. The media and the political process by Søren Laursen was published in October 2001.

96 p., DKK 95.00.
Order at Aarhus University Press: www.unipress.dk or +45 89 42 53 70.

Over the fall and winter of 1996, violence became a prominent issue in the media. Spurred by a number of extremely brutal violent crimes, television produced several news stories about violence, and the written media published dozens of articles, editorials, feature articles and op-eds about violence. Violence also found its way to the political agenda, and as a result the so-called ”violent crimes bill” (Voldspakken) was introduced and passed in the spring of 1997. In contrast, there are no indications that violence has increased in Denmark. This is the basis of this analysis of the media’s ability to set the agenda in Danish politics.
