Etniske minoriteters indflydelseskanaler
(Ethnic minorities and their channels of influence)

Ethnic minorities and their channels of influence by Ole Hammer and Inger Bruun was published in March 2000 and costs DKK 85.00.

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Ethnic minorities and their channels of influence studies ethnic minorities’ influence on Danish society. It shows that this influence is marginal, both in relation to the ethnic minorities’ own conditions and to the general social development. The authorities are interested in involving ethnic minorities in actual integration tasks, but in reality minorities have few opportunities to influence central immigration policy issues, such as the Aliens Act. Minority representatives are interested in immigration policy issues, but their ability to counterbalance the authorities is inadequate. At the same time, the Danish organized interests are far better at exploiting the new opportunities that have arisen along with the increasing social significance of the issue – not least when it comes to funding activities. Finally, influence is clearly shifting from special organized interests to social institutions. An example of this shift is the provision in the Alien Act to move responsibility for the integration effort from The Danish Refugee Council to the municipalities. H&B.gif (63037 bytes)
