Den fjerde statsmagt? Kommunernes Landsforening i dansk politik
(The Fourth Branch of Government? The National Association of Local Authorities in Danish Politics)

The Fourth Branch of Government? The National Association of Local Authorities in Danish Politics by Jens Blom-Hansen was published in August 2002.

Aarhus University Press
276 pages
DKK 248.00
To order, contact a bookshop or or + 45 89 42 53 70

As interest organization for Denmark’s 275 primary municipalities, The National Association of Local Authorities (NALA) is a powerful actor in Danish politics. Government and parliament rarely make a decision without consulting NALA, and due to the decentralized structure of the public sector, NALA is involved in numerous issues in Danish politics. In addition, NALA is one of Denmark’s largest employer organizations. NALA’s leaders are elected local politicians, which gives the organization a particular democratic legitimacy. In short, NALA is an interest organization with a special position in the political system.

NALA is often described as a political institution at the same level as the Danish parliament, the government and the judiciary. But is NALA the fourth branch of government? This book presents the first systematic study of NALA’s influence in the political system. It examines the relationship between the Danish municipalities and NALA as well as the interplay between NALA, the government, parliament and the local employee organizations.

While the book confirms that NALA is very influential, it also demonstrates that there are limits to this influence. NALA is a key player in the political system when it is backed unanimously by its members, and when their interests can be pursued in all three arenas of government, parliament and collective bargaining.

